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     This site is for the purpose of sharing the knowledge that I am able to gain through the written Word of God, the Bible. I lay no claim to biblical scholarship, but have become a lifetime student of the Scriptures for the purpose of allowing God and His Spirit to lead my life, and to encourage others to study the Scriptures just as the Bereans did when they heard Paul and Silas speak (Acts 17:11). Our purpose as Christians is to honor our Creator and to lead others to come to His throne of grace so that they may also know Him and therefore give their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I hope and pray that in some small way this ministry will help to achieve that very purpose.

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If you would like to know when this site is updated, email me at:
I will try to keep you notified of future updates!

This site was last updated on:
Updated April 17, 2011

Bible Study of The Week
(Updated April 17, 2011)

Church of Christ at Madison
(Updated April 17, 2011)

A Message To The Unforgiving
(This message is followed by another
message on the same subject entitled
"What About My Brother?")

Borrowed Articles
(With permission only of course!)
(Updated April 17, 2011)

Christian & Church of Christ Links
(Updated February 19, 2011)

Salvation In Christ
With Meditations
(Updated April 17, 2011)

Ten Lessons On the Beatitudes
(Updated February 19, 2011)

Twelve Lesson On Worship
(Updated October 12, 2009)

Studies On The Holy Spirit
(Updated October 12, 2009)

Qualified Church Leadership
(Updated October 12, 2009)

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